Vaginismus -Therapy

Why won’t my tampon fit?

why won't my tampon fit

Period. . .but not the English grammar kind, the kind that women have had for ages. It’s heavy for some and lighter for others. For some, it comes with hard complications like endometriosis and for others, it’s only a few days. Cramps and cravings are common things women around the world experience.

With all these things happening, it can feel hard if you have to add any more on top. Especially since it’s still considered a “taboo” topic in many circles, making it a hard topic to discuss. So what can you do when your period products are not working like you thought they would? Like when your tampon or diva cup is just not fitting like they’re supposed to?


First, know this: You’re not the only person to struggle with this. And one of the big challenges that come with talking about a “taboo” topic is who should you even talk to? Google may have a global internet database but that doesn’t mean it has the specific answers you need.


That’s why I’m here. My wife actually went through something related to this (more on our story here: That’s how my eyes were opened to the struggle that a lot of women face. But, also know that if you have a trusted doctor or friend, you can also reach out to them, they might be able to point you in the right direction. A trusted community is always important on any journey. Especially when it comes to something so emotionally and physically impactful.



There are a few reasons why you could be feeling like ‘things just aren’t fitting’. Number one could simply inexperience. Unless you had good, healthy communication about your sexual health and hygiene, you wouldn’t know how to properly handle things like tampon insertion. And unfortunately, because of how our culture sometimes views things like sexual health it may have just been assumed that you already know these things.


So, a couple of tips on how to help: No #1: Make sure you’re relaxed. Your pelvic muscles are meant to be able to push a baby out of you! So keep that in mind as you’re trying to insert a tampon. Relaxation is key. No #2 is to also make sure you understand where your vagina is and how things look “down there” so that you’re confident when need to insert a tampon or diva cup.

Remember: your body was amazingly created to birth a baby out of there, so it can fit a tampon. But it can be a little strange the first few times until your body gets used to the sensation. Just know that any sort of sharp or continuous pain is NOT something you need to settle for.


A few other reasons could be: an episiotomy (an incision done before childbirth), surgery or other medical issues (endometriosis, vulvodynia, dyspareunia, vaginismus) or if you’re an athlete who consistently does high-impact exercises, it can cause tightness in your pelvic floor muscles. Now some of those are big words, but for the majority of them, it simply requires the right tools (a lot of times therapy like we offer) and just being able to talk to a good doctor or sexual health therapist who can give you the resources you need to experience complete health and freedom.




Words like Vulvodynia, Dyspareunia and vaginismus are all specific words that have to do with a general problem: pain when it comes to your vulva and vagina. Vaginismus specifically deals with an involuntary (which means it’s not you consciously tightening) spasms when you try and insert something like a tampon or diva cup. It’s basically just putting a big name on something you may have already been struggling with.


But don’t worry, you may feel like the problem, but you’re actually the solution.


I’m here to tell you that my wife and me worked through this, and you can too. This is no lifelong condition, this is something that impacts women all over, and once you’re able to get to the emotional root of the problem it’s something you no longer need to worry about impacting your sexual health.


Vaginismus isn’t some rare disease, it can actually come through a lot of things: childbirth, menopause, or like we mentioned above, continual tenseness through exercise and more or something as simple as inexperience.


That’s why I believe every woman should be able to talk with someone who can hear their individual story, and be able to customize the care to the situation.


To make things comfortable and respect the intimacy of this topic, we do a free strategy call that you’re able to do online, which you can easily do from home, wherever and whenever works for you.


You don’t need to buy some special cream or tool or try to find a doctor who will recommend something for you to try.


No more random, unhelpful Google searches. Or you trying to find answers in an awkward conversation with a friend or family member.

Click the link to talk to someone from the comfort of your own home.


You can do it easily over Zoom from the privacy of your house. Click here to start your journey:


Still on the fence? Check out all these stories of people who experienced the same thing and are now living in freedom: