Vaginismus -Therapy

How To Loosen Up A Girl Without Hurting Her

How To Loosen Up A Girl Without Hurting Her

Everyone says sex is supposed to be great. But what if it’s. . .not?

What if it’s painful and things don’t fit in your vagina like they’re “supposed” to? Or what if you’re the significant other and you want to have that intimate moment with her, but instead, you’re worried about hurting her? And while it would be nice to just look it up, Google isn’t necessarily the best option for advice. . .


You’re not the first person to feel frustration over this issue. A lot of the top Google searches for this issue are things like ‘how to put a tampon in without it hurting’ or ‘how to relieve pain after sex’ and they deal with having trouble and pain when it comes to fitting things “down there”.

A lot of men have also searched for similar things, looking to help the women they love in their relationships. But Google is structured around keywords and paid ads, not your human needs and the frustrating emotions that come with things like sexual health and, as a woman, your emotional health. Especially when it comes to problems with intimate areas of your body like the vagina, which is intricately tied not just to your physical body but your emotions as well.


The tricky thing about a topic like this though, is where do you turn to when you need some help? A doctor could be helpful but. . .what kind of doctor would even be best? Sure, if you have a good relationship with your doctor you might be comfortable coming right out and saying ‘It hurts me when I try to put things in my vagina’ or ‘Is it normal for my vagina to hurt when I have penetrative sex?’ But we’ve heard stories from some women of how their doctor dismissed them, saying “It’s all in your head.”

But let’s say you have a really good doctor. (Which we hope you do.) Then what if it’s not physical? What if they examine you but physically there’s nothing they can do? The thing with emotional issues is there’s no “one stop” surgery or drug that will make things better.

For a lot of people, the sexual and physical experiences they’ve had (especially as women) are highly impactful on how their physical body reacts. Traumatic childhood? Bad birth experience? Or, maybe just a rough time going through menopause or that first time you tried to put a tampon in?

And if you’re a man looking to help the woman you love, how do you make sure they’re loved and able to heal from bad experiences?


Plus, by now, if you’ve searched the internet, you may have come across a few scary tools like a ‘vaginal dilator’ or big words like Vaginismus or Dyspareunia.

They sound like threatening diseases, but in reality, Vaginismus is just a name for that physical tightness that causes pain when you try to insert something into your vagina.

Whether that’s during sex, or just your average period when you insert a tampon or diva cup. And while it may have been a part of your life for as long as you can remember, it’s not normal. Which is a good thing. Because that means there is a level of normal you can attain.


Know this: there may be some crazy search results, but the good news is that the solutions to them are simple.

You don’t need to buy something off of a ‘Top Ten Vaginal Dilators List’ or hope you can find a doctor who can recommend something.


Here’s the good news in the midst of all of this: This is something many people have worked through, coming out the other side with stronger and healthier relationships (and we don’t mean just sexually).

We’re here to tell you the good news: We got through this, and you can too.

Remember when mentioned how hard it can be to talk to someone who really “gets it”? Well, what if you could talk to someone who had personally experienced this in their own relationship? Someone who wouldn’t dismiss anything as “all in your head” but rather someone who would listen empathetically. Well, the cool thing is, with the FREE strategy session you can book with just a click here you’ll be talking to someone who has personally experienced this and has now made it their life mission to bring that same freedom in other relationships.

You can read the story that started all this here.

No more random, unhelpful Google searches. Or you trying to find answers in an awkward conversation with a friend or family member.

Click the link to talk to someone from the comfort of your own home. We have a FREE strategy session that you can do easily over Zoom from the privacy of your house. Click here to start your journey.


If you’re still on the fence about this, check out these stories. These are people we have worked with to find freedom in a way they didn’t think was possible.